Weightloss, weightloss, weightloss everywhere. A lot of people these days are quite obssesed with losing weight. Sometimes people go as far as doing extreme things in a bid to lose weight. There are also very popular things people do with the mindset that they help in weightloss but not really. These factors though not harmful, …

5 ways to maintain friendships when your friends start having kids
As we get older, the dynamics of many of our friendships change. Right now I am in a phase where many of my friends have kids and they are absolutely lovely. But navigating friendships when your friends have kids and you don’t, takes a level of intentionality. With kids in the picture, a lot has …

11 relaxing alternatives to watching TV
So I have been researching alternatives to watching so much TV. There are a lot of educative and interesting programs on TV, but there are also an equally huge amount of content that I rather not be viewing. But somehow, the TV is the easiest and fastest thing to sit to watch when one just …

8 foods that can make period cramps worse
Periods can be inconveniencing, but it would be great if you don’t worsen an already tricky situation. What you eat, before, during and after your period has a huge effect on your period. Recently, I had a period with really painful cramps. I realized that I had eaten a ton of the foods that I …

The most important things to know in your 20s
The 20s are the foundation, or I will say the planning phase for how your life will turn out to be. For most, it is the time when you are accorded more responsibilities and may still have the freedom of your needs being catered to by either your parents or guardian. There is time for …

7 Tips for making healthy lifestyle changes/upgrade
Need a lifestyle change? Do you feel stuck and have this need to just generally do better with the life that you have been given? Here are some simple changes that you can make and will go a long way in making your life wholesome and better. They have been summarized into 7 points. You …

How God sees me
I recently got into a disagreement with somebody, and then the person used some words to describe me. After that, I lost all appetite, just wanted to crawl under my blanket and sleep. But sleep was not forthcoming, so I stood up and took a walk around my neighborhood and had a heart to heart …

10 date ideas that do not involve food
I like food. Any date that involves food has already passed the 50% score on my rating scale, but man shall not leave by bread alone. Sometimes go out and surprise yourself by not eating, after all, there is food at home. So I am here with 10 date ideas that do not involve eating …

5 ways to stop being a slave to your emotions
Have you ever reacted in a certain way to a situation and then 10 minutes later or however long it takes for you to calm down, you feel you shouldn’t have? It has happened to me severally, and not only that, it had affected the way I saw and responded to anyone around me then …

Wearing glasses makes you smart literally
I read about a kid named Yash Gupta, who started an organization that helps find glasses for kids and teens that need them, after he learnt that not having glasses can cause a 20% loss in learning. He used his own personal problem as a source of inspiration. I started using glasses about 9 years …