Going to church has always been a ‘thing’ for me. But its a ‘thing’ that has meant differently at various stages in my life.
As a kid and a Pk one at that, it was one of the things that we did. Attend Sunday service, bible studies, camp meetings etc. All of it was just part of the family routine. And I enjoyed every bit of it, especially all the attention that came with it.
When I became a teenager, It was just an avenue for me to meet up with friends, show my face and check out all the handsome guys around.
At some point, it became one of things I had to do so the ‘brethren’ would not think I had backslided, or put an anonymous call to my parents that their daughter was not attending service.
Now, I go to church to fellowship. I realise more and more God’s intent when we are told not to forsake the assembly of the brethren together, he knew its purpose as always.
There is something great about being with people of like faith. When you are down, there is always a lifting in the presence of God, while having fellowship with his people.
It may not even be from the message, it may come from the praise session, or a little chat with a fellow worshiper. It may even come from seeing the happy faces of the kids running about with no care in the world, not forgetting the after church cake and tea, if your church does that.
When you are up, you have people to celebrate with, who understand the meaning of giving God all the praise.
I recall when someone I knew, finally made it to church after several attempts at convincing.
After the service, we had a little conversation, and the person commented, “no wonder you go to church every Sunday”.
Why do you go to church?
If you go to a church, and you don’t feel like you are part of something, my candid advice will be to change your church, not sit at home. The church is not the building. It’s the people.
… And happy Sunday from me. Your Bonus prize for getting to this point is just below…

Happy Sunday ?
wow! so i just got a clearer understanding of why we go to church.
i was discussing with a friend one time, and i said ″the reason you guys go to church is cos you scared of hell″ and she said ″no! we go to church to fellowship with the brethren.″
the word stuck with me but i didn’t really grasp the essence of it, and reading this gave me the insight i needed.
but then fellowshipping is best enjoyed when it comes from the heart, not when i’m forced to church by clowns disguised as church guards, cos then the essence is lost.
and this post, should be shared to every Christian, cos i think people are losing the real truth about going to church.
Nice, thank God you do. Its a constant learning process