It was my birthday some days ago. I love birthdays, I recognize them as something special. Another year added signifying life and growth. My mindset has always been that it shouldn’t just pass like that.
Past birthdays…
Back in the day, If its not getting extra pocket money from my parents especially when I am away from home, or cooking a meal I have not tried before, or eating loads of Suya with family…etc, my birthdays never did pass like that.
I remember one time I was sent money to do something with my friends at school. Although I pocketed the money, but I did get myself meat pie and farm-fresh yogurt. My Jos peeps will understand the farm-fresh life.
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to remember how my birthday went last year. Its like a blank spot on my memory. I can’t even remember where I was. Tried checking phone archives to jug my memory but nothing comes up. I get some little recollection now and then, but it fades.
This years plan was…
Anyway, my plan this year was a grand and simple one. Have a luxurious soak in the bathtub and sleep. Let me just have no worries, no plans, no cares for one day. I even got a bath bomb to prepare myself for the day.
The devil decided to try me the night before, but I said not today Satan.
How it went…
Morning of my birthday, I woke up very early. On days when I set out to rest, my mind usually does not seem to cooperate. I had cleaned the little cubicle I call home the day before to avoid a scenario like this…but still, my mind decided it needed do laundry.
Stood up and gathered the few pieces of dirty clothes, opened the door to head to the wash machine, low and behold, I see balloons on the floor and on my door. Guess some people had other plans.
Still determined to sleep though, I did my laundry and decided to go back to bed. My phone said, “sleep ke? No sleep for you today oh”.
It kept ringing and it rang through out that day, it was amazing. It seemed to be making up for all the days it’s usually silent.
My friends and family called, that is when I knew I had people. The surprising thing is that almost everyone that called to wish me happy birthday sang the happy birthday song, awkward me was like, …should I sing along with them, or…
My brother wrote me a little write-up that made me shed a tear or two. Written words mean a lot to me, and I have never known him to write like that, so I was pleasantly surprised.
At some point, I could see my picture on all the whats app status updates on my phone. Oh my God, this people love me! Thankfully, one of my friend who is a great photographer had taken lovely pictures of me.
What’s a birthday without kids? No, lets rephrase. What is Naomi’s birthday without kids? One of my neighbors who happened to find out I was home that day, asked to have the kids come over. Its my birthday, I just wanted to sleep!
Finally, I agreed to have them for a short period, because my friends wanted to take me out.
At the end of the day…
My sleep plans never did materialize, and the bath bomb is still sitting unused, but my heart was/is full. We had dinner at my favorite restaurant – bones,(sharing that experience on another post). I got gifts-monetary and otherwise. I also had two cakes, one of which I took to church for thanksgiving, and most importantly outpouring of love, loads of it.
In the midst of all the calls, I was waiting for some specific people to just forget, fortunately they redeemed themselves before the day was over.

As I lay on my bed later that night, I was grateful for life. Grateful to God for giving me one more year to live on earth and thankful for all who celebrated with me. I didn’t think I deserved it, but I am grateful.
This is one birthday, I won’t be forgetting in a while.